菲律宾被下药的惊魂之旅 I was drugged in Manila

菲律宾被下药的惊魂之旅 I was drugged in Manila

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11月30日周六 菲聊不可聚餐活动Vol.60 纸飞机

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菲聊不可 Feitalks.com 新闻报导:上周末学校有三天连假,本来预计去爬Mt. Pinatubo火山,但在出发前一晚临时收到通知,登山证申请没过,所以临时改变计划,打算去菲律宾的首都马尼拉看看。那天早上6点,我独自从碧瑶出发,经过五个小时的车程,终于到达了马尼拉。












Last weekend, the school had a three-day break, and I went to Manila. At 6 AM, I set off from Baguio by myself, and after a five-hour bus ride, I finally arrived in Manila.

Excited, I started exploring the city and soon met two women who claimed to be sisters and asked me for directions. They initially thought I was a local, but once they realized I was a foreigner, they eagerly struck up a conversation with me. After learning that I was new to the city and traveling without a plan, they warmly invited me to visit the local market and church with them. At that moment, I still naively believed that all Filipinos were this friendly, so I went along with them without hesitation and got into a taxi together.

We chatted along the way and recorded some videos to send to friends. The older sister, who looked to be in her forties, sat next to me and saw me filming, so I didn’t catch her face in the video. She even checked my video at one point. After we got out of the taxi, I offered to pay for the ride, but they said “Later” (now I realize this was a hint of what was coming). Later, two men arrived, claiming to be their husbands and brothers. We walked around the market, they bought me some fruit, and took me to a church to take pictures, slowly lowering my guard. In hindsight, I was way too trusting.

Next, we went to Tagaytay, which is about an hour’s drive from Manila, to dine at a scenic restaurant overlooking Taal Volcano. I even posted a story on Instagram at that time. After dinner, my stomach unwell, and I rushed to the bathroom to throw up and had diarrhea. I thought it was just my stomach flu not fully recovering. After the meal, it was time to say goodbye, and I thanked them for taking me around. They told me I could consider them as my family in the Philippines and to visit them often. Up to this point, I hadn’t paid them a single cent. I thought about giving them money for the taxi and food, but they suggested we get in another taxi first to head back to the bus station.

Once again, we got into a taxi. This time, the younger sister offered me half of a cut mango, telling me to eat it with a spoon. Having just thrown up, I craved something sweet, so I took a bite. She asked if I wanted more, and I said yes—mangoes are my favorite fruit. But after the second bite, I blacked out…

When I woke up, I was already at the police station. The police asked me if I had been drinking, saying I looked drunk. I told them I hadn’t, but I was stumbling, and my memory was blurry. I realized my phone and money were gone. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but the police report stated it was 3:40 AM the next day. Perhaps the drug was still in effect, as my head was spinning, and my memories were fragmented. I remember borrowing a phone from the police to send a message through Instagram, asking the thieves to return my phone. But deep down, I knew I wouldn’t get it back and just wanted to return to Baguio.

The police wanted to clarify the situation and take my statement, asking me to rest at the station. I kept asking if I could leave, repeating this process two or three times. I vaguely remember a Taiwanese person video-calling me, but I don’t remember who it was or what we talked about. The next day, I found out from school that it was the manager. Later, I ate the meal the police gave me, which seemed to be fried chicken with rice. With the 200 pesos they provided, I finally managed to catch a bus back to Baguio. Everyone can share it so no one else gets hurt.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I am grateful to the universe for putting me through this. I am grateful that I am still alive and well. I stayed for 4 days after being poisoned before going home, exploring this beautiful city, and experiencing many wonderful things.



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