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(Posted May 2, 2020 11:50pm)
All Passenger/Commercial flights to and from the Philippines suspended beginning 8:00am, May 3, 2020
To help further mitigate the spread of the deadly Corona Virus in the country, the Philippine Government, through Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr., Chief Implementer of the National Taskforce Against COVID-19, has decided to temporarily suspend all commercial/passenger flights to and from the country beginning 8:00am of May 3, 2020.
Cargo flights, medical supplies, utility, and maintenance flights will remain unhampered.
公告自Ninoy Aquino International Airport MIAA:
為了進一步減輕致命的新冠病毒在本國的傳播,菲律賓政府通過反對COVID-19全國特別工作組的首席執行長小卡利托·加爾維茲(Calito Galvez Jr.)決定暫停取消往返於本國所有商業/客運航班 從2020年5月3日上午8:00開始。