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菲聊不可 Feitalks.com 新聞報導:馬尼拉大都會區的地方政府已在數個地區實施封鎖,以減緩新冠病毒COVID-19在該地區的傳播。
馬卡蒂 Makati City
馬卡蒂市長Abby Binay宣布Barangay Pio del Pilar地區為“危險地區”,並將這些地區置入3天的“地區性加強社區隔離” 。
第一區 Zone 1
-Mayor St. (from Cuangco St. to Jerry St.)
-Jerry St. (whole street)
-Cuangco St. (from Mayor St. to M. Reyes St.)
-M. Reyes St. (from Cuangco St. to Arguelles St.)
第二區 Zone 2
-Arguelles St. (from Evangelista St. to A. Apolinario St.)
-Apolinario St. (from Arguelles St. to Calhoun St.)
-Calhoun St. (from A. Apolinario St. to Evangelista St.)
-Evangelista St. (from Calhoun St. to Arguelles St.)
馬卡蒂政府表示這些地區將會於週六的12:01 a.m.開始實施宵禁到3月16日的11:59 pm.
馬尼拉市 Manila
– Barangay 351 which covers the streets of San Lazaro and Tayuman;
– Barangay 725 in Malate
– Malate Bayview Mansion and Hop Inn Hotel in Barangay 699
這些地區將會於週四的12:01 a.m.實施宵禁到週日的11:59 pm
Muntinlupa City
-Cruzero Street, Villa Carolina 1 in Barangay Tunasan
-124 Purok 1 in Barangay Cupang
Muntinlupa City市長Jaime Fresnedi表示週五因快速攀升的新冠病毒coronavirus傳染而在這些地區實施封鎖,宵禁規定將於週六的6 a.m.到3月28日的6 a.m. 傳染率為根據確診的比例而計算。
奎松市 Quezon City
– Portion of Durian Street, Barangay Pasong Tamo
– L. Pascual Street, Barangay Baesa
– De Los Santos Compound, Heavenly Drive, Barangay San Agustin
– No. 46 and 50, K-9th Street, Barangay West Kamias
– No. 49 and 51, K-9th Street, Barangay West Kamias
– 49 & 51 E Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Barangay Doña Josefa
– No. 237, Apo Street, Barangay Maharlika
– No. 64, 14th Avenue, Barangay Socorro
– No. 64-B, Agno Extension, Barangay Tatalon
– No. 90, Gonzales Compound, Barangay Balon-bato
– No. 2A-4, K-6th, in Barangay West Kamias
– Portion of Sitio 5, Jose Abad Santos, Barangay Sta. Lucia
– No. 138 – 178 Orchids Street and No. 153 – 159 Jasmin Street, Barangay Central
– No. 43 Salvador Street, Barangay Krus na Ligas
帕賽 Pasay
– Barangays 8, 11, 12, 14, 20, 24, 26, 29, 31, 36, 70, 71, 76, 85, 90, 91, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 116, 120, 125, 126, 130, 135, 136, 138, 141, 145, 159, 161, 162, 168, 171, 172, 177, 180, 183, 184, 188, 193, 194, 196, 201, 37, 38, 41, 44, 46, 51, 52, 53, 56, 59, 60, 65, 66, 68
新聞來源:LIST: Areas under lockdown in Metro Manila