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1月25日週六 菲聊不可聚餐活動Vol.64 紙飛機
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菲聊不可 Feitalks.com 新聞報導:我曾在社團發佈一則【在塔比拉蘭去宿霧的船上,我們仍然被亂收行李託運費】之貼文,說明行李託運尺寸標示不明確
回台灣後向船運公司OceanJet 及行李托運公司GlobalPort寫申訴信無果,後續寫信到 「馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處」 、「菲律賓觀光部」 、「駐菲律賓臺北經濟文化辦事處」,三管齊下後終於收到行李托運公司寄的「行李托運尺寸規範」信件,以下我擷取重點google內文翻譯,原文我放在文章末,再請有興趣了解全文的網友自行翻譯
—————————– 我是google 翻譯 —————————-
—————————— google 翻譯結束 —————————–
1.馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處 meco@meco.org.tw
2.菲律賓觀光部 philtour@ms57.hinet.net
3.駐菲律賓臺北經濟辦事處 phl@mofa.gov.tw
——————————— 我是原文 ———————————
Dear Ms. Gabato:
Good day!
We would like to acknowledge receipt of the complaint regarding the porterage fee charged to
one of our passengers, which was forwarded to us by the Department of Tourism. We deeply
regret any confusion caused to the passenger, and we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
address the matter.
After a thorough investigation of the situation, we would like to clarify that there was no
overcharging involved. The porterage fee charged is consistent with the official rates set, and no
fees beyond the approved amounts were applied. However, we have identified that the issue
arose from a lack of proper communication regarding the fee. Unfortunately, the staff on duty
failed to provide a clear explanation due to language barrier of the porterage charges to the
passenger at the time, which led to the misunderstanding.
We take full responsibility for this oversight and understand the importance of transparent and
effective communication, especially regarding service fees. To address this issue and prevent
future occurrences, we will set up our signage of our Luggage size reference for a better
understanding of our passenger in our Check-in Baggage Counter. Below is the photo,
The size bag of 23-27-inch cost 50 pesos and the 28-32 inch and above cost 100 pesos.
Furthermore, we have our existing Helpdesk beside terminal fee counter to address passenger
We deeply regret that this miscommunication caused inconvenience to the passenger and any
additional concerns for the Department of Tourism. Please be assured that we are committed to
maintaining the Philippines’ reputation as a hospitable and tourist friendly destination.
Should you require any further details or clarification regarding our actions to address this issue,
we are more than happy to provide them. We sincerely hope this will resolve the matter and we
appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance our operations.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
新聞來源:薄荷島 之 碼頭行李托運費新公告